This year Lightweight really showed a lot of nice improvements that will hit the market and compete to other hi-tech wheelsets.
They already re-designed their clincher wheelset, called Meilenstein, which is one of the most sophisticated clincher wheelset, and now they released a new wheelset: Lightweight FERNWEG (previous article KLIK!)
What says Lightweight about their new aero wheelset?
They are 81mm high and feather light, just a bit over 1.3kg for the wheelset. They were developed on independent institutions for aerodynamic and are made with the same technology as Meilenstein.
It's already well known that Lightweight is also very popular in the pro-peleton. Also professional riders bought them and put on the wheelsets the brands from their sponsors. Also Lightweigh Disc is know as one of the best discs for time trial competitions. Together with the FERNWEG front wheel it will be really an ultimate combination for the battle with the clock.
Lightweight aims with those wheels more or les for timetrails and triathlon competitions, but also for some quick road races. Because their low weight and stiffness they'll handlle great in corners. The FERNWEG wheel is completely sealed, so there is no chance that water could come into the rim.
Specifications from FERNWEG tubular:
-material: carbon fiber
-weight: 1355g/set
-rim: 81mm high, foam filled
-spokes: 16 front / 20 rear
-for braking you have to use special Lightweightove brake pads
It's also known that Lightweight will offer their 99 sets GOLDEN edition of Obermayer wheels.
As soon as there will be more informations I'll let you know.
Lightweight je letos res pokazal konkurenci zobe.
Zadnjič "full-karbonske klinčerje" Meilenstein, ki po specifikacijah izstopajo od konkurence ; sedaj visokoprofilne FERNWEG (prejšnji osnutki KLIK!)
Kaj pravijo pri Lightweightu o novih obročih?
Ob dobrih 8cm visokem obroču so peresno lahki pri dobrih 1,3kg. Odlikuje jih izredna aerodinamika razvita pri nedovisnih inštitucijah za aerodinamiko. Tehnologija laminiranja karbonskih vlaken je enaka kot pri Meilenstein.
Znano je, da so za najprestižnejše dirke tekmovalci sami kupili Lightweightove obroče in na njih nalepili nalepke sponzorjev. Tudi Lightweightov "disk wheel" velja za najboldovršenega za kronometerske preizkušnje. V kombinaciji z novimi FERNWEG obroči je to lepo orožje tekmovalca proti gostim zračnim tokovom na časovni preizkušnji.
Lightweight z njimi cilja predvsem na triatlonske in kronometerske dirkalnike; a so primerni tudi za hitre cesne preizkušnje - še posebaj zaradi izjemne togosti in odzivnosti. Zaradi lahke in zelo toge konstrukcije se bolje vodijo skozi zavoje. Celoten sklop obroča FERNWEG je popolnoma zastenjen; tako voda nima možnosti prodreti v notranjost obročev.
Specifikacije obročnikov FERNWEG tubular:
-material: karbonska vlakna
-teža seta: 1355g
-obroči: višina 81mm , karbonska konstrukcija polnjena z peno
-napere: 16 prednji / 20 zadnji obročnik -za zaviranje so potrebne (priložene setu) Lightweightove gumice
-cena okoli 4200EUR
Znano je tudi, da bo Lightweight ponudil 99 GOLDEN izvedb obročnikov Obermayer.
Ko bo znanega še kaj več pa javim.
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