Trailer filma, ki zajema resnične posnetke najbolj "odpuljenih", norih, nevarnih voženj "messenger" oz. urbanih biciklistov - from bottom of the ocean, street shooting, accident in traffic, hot chicks, real heros and brave idiots, on big china fac%#$ wall- DONT TRY AT HOME!
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LINE OF SIGHT - Official Trailer from Zenga Bros on Vimeo.
Line Of Sight is a rare view into underground bicycle messenger racing which has become a global phenomenon. For over a decade Lucas Brunelle has been riding with the fastest, most skilled urban cyclists around the world while capturing all the action with his customized helmet cameras to bring you along for the ride.
This is bike riding like you've never seen before, in gripping first-person perspective through the most hectic city streets, on expressways in Mexico City, over the frozen Charles River, under the Mediterranean Sea, across the Great Wall of China and deep into the jungles of Guatemala.
Directed and Edited by Benny Zenga, Line of Sight is 60 minutes of the best Lucas Brunelle footage, with titles by Futura 2000, plus extras, outtakes, and a 40 page art book featuring photography and spoke cards from a decade of Alleycat races around the world.
"Lucas Brunelle goes for it. If you want to see what it's like to play a live game of 'frogger', on a bike, with only one life, check out Line Of Sight." - Mat Hoffman
LP Gregor
Ogled na lastno odgovornost
LINE OF SIGHT - Official Trailer from Zenga Bros on Vimeo.
Line Of Sight is a rare view into underground bicycle messenger racing which has become a global phenomenon. For over a decade Lucas Brunelle has been riding with the fastest, most skilled urban cyclists around the world while capturing all the action with his customized helmet cameras to bring you along for the ride.
This is bike riding like you've never seen before, in gripping first-person perspective through the most hectic city streets, on expressways in Mexico City, over the frozen Charles River, under the Mediterranean Sea, across the Great Wall of China and deep into the jungles of Guatemala.
Directed and Edited by Benny Zenga, Line of Sight is 60 minutes of the best Lucas Brunelle footage, with titles by Futura 2000, plus extras, outtakes, and a 40 page art book featuring photography and spoke cards from a decade of Alleycat races around the world.
"Lucas Brunelle goes for it. If you want to see what it's like to play a live game of 'frogger', on a bike, with only one life, check out Line Of Sight." - Mat Hoffman
LP Gregor
OdgovoriIzbrišiKaka beseda za tiste, ki morda niso na facebooku.
OdgovoriIzbrišiEvo narod - vabljeni na PiciBici večer party
Vsi, ki si po decembrskem energičnem poganjanju pedalov že ogrevate nožne mišice, pozor! Pred nami je vnovični Goldsprint turnir, tokrat bomo za zmagovalca navijali v prostorih ljubljanskega Bikofeja.
Za filmsko - kolesarske zanesenjake pa premierno predvajamo dokumentarni prvenec enega in edinega Lucassa Brunnella, legende alleycat dirk, ki vam bo jemal sapo s svojim "Line Of Sight".
Pridi in zašvicaj.
21:00 projekcija filma
22:00 DJ Shekuza